Florida DOT FRP Educational Session on FRP Externallly Bonded Reinforcement for Concrete Structures: Design, Installation and Field Quality Control - October 3rd & 4th, 2023

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Please join the Florida Department of Transportation and FRP Institute for Civil Infrastructure for a special technical educational session on FRP externally bonded for concrete structures Certificate Title: FRP Externally Bonded Reinforcement Certificate: FRP as External Reinforcement for Concrete Structures: Design, Installation and Field Quality Control.

Registration: www.eventbrite.com/e/frp-institute-educational-session-facilitated-by-fdot-tickets-708676409217

  • Date & Time: October 3rd (1.00 pm to 5.00 pm) and 4th (8.00 am to noon), 2023

  • Location: Auditorium A, Florida Turnpike Enterprise HQ Mile-Post 263 - Turkey Lake Service Plaza Bldg., 5315, Ocoee, FL 34761, United States

  • Price: $150 for FDOT employee/ US Army Corp of Engineers and $300 for others.

  • Informal accomodations on your own:
    Hilton Garden Inn Orland International Drive North 5877 American Way Orlando, FL 32819

    Homewood Suites Orland 5893 American Way Orlando, FL 32819

Education and training accredited by the FRP Institute for Civil Infrastructure. Certificate of completion and engineering credits were issued.



Steve Nolan, P.E. Senior State Structures Design Engineer with the Special Projects group in the FDOT State Structures Design Office. Thirty years of design and construction experience with bridges and transportation structures. He received his Bachelor of Engineering from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia in 1990 and has been a licensed professional engineering in Florida since 2003

Richard Krolewski. FRPInstitute Leadership working to advance the use of FRP composites in the US and Canadian transportation industry

Scott Arnold, P.E.

Scott Arnold is the Director of Engineering Solutions at Fyfe Company. He has been working with Fyfe Company for over twenty-eight years on the design and development of the Tyfo® FRP composite strengthening systems. He is a licensed civil engineer in multiple states and has a Bachelor of Science in Structural Engineering from the University of California at San Diego

Dr. Khaled Sennnah, P.E., FCSCE, FEIC, FCAE, FIAAM.

Dr. Khaled Sennah is a professor of Structural Engineering at Toronto Metroplitan Unversity, formerly Ryerson University.

Dr. Tanarat Potisuk, P.E., S.E., Ph.D

Concrete Bridge Standards Engineer - Oregon Dot & Chair AASHTO T-6 committee Tanarat Potisuk, P.E., S.E., Ph.D is the Concrete Bridge Standards Engineer for Oregon Department of Transportation. He is the technical resource for reinforced and prestressed concrete, seismic design, joint and bearing, and bridge strengthening. He is the chair of AASHTO T-6 FRP Composites and a voting member of T-10 Concrete Design.

Eri Vokshi, P.E., M.A.Sc.

Eri Vokshi is a Technical Sales Manager at Sika-US. She has 11 years of experience with FRP materials and design. She holds a Master’s degree in Material Science from Arizona State University and is a professional engineer. Eri is also an active member of ICRI, ACI, SEA and the chair of ACI 440-0E subcommittee.

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Professional Education of FRP for the Civil Infrastructure

The FRP Institute is working closely with a number of State Departments of Transportaton to assist them with professional education through:

  • Developing guidelines for production, plant audits, FRP bar acceptance criteria
  • Training on-site inspectors on what to look for in field inspections
  • Education about consensus design and material standards from ACI, ASTM, CSA & AASHTO
  • Develop guidelines for FRP field acceptance, inspection, quality control and auditing of FRP Bars
  • Developing guidelines for the installation oversight and field quality control of externally bonded FRP systems
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Interested in learning about how we can help educate your design and materials staff? Contact us and learn more.

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