FRP as External Reinforcement for Concrete Structures: Design, Installation and Field Quality Control - November 8, 2023 Cary, NC

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Please join the North Carolina Department of Transportation and FRP Institute for Civil Infrastructure for a special technical educational session on FRP externally bonded for concrete structures. FRP Externally Bonded Reinforcement Certificate: FRP as External Reinforcement for Concrete Structures: Design, Installation and Field Quality Control

  • Date: November 8th, 2023
  • Time: 8:00 am to 4.00 pm
  • Location: Technical Community College, Western Wake Campus 3434 Kildaire Farm Road, Cary, NC 27518
  • Price: NCDOT employees: $150 must pre-register,; $300 per person; pre-registration requested

Education and training accredited by the FRP Institute for Civil Infrastructure. Certificate of completion and engineering credits were issued.

Online Registration Link:



Scott Arnold, P.E.

Scott Arnold is the Director of Engineering Solutions at Fyfe Company. He has been working with Fyfe Company for over twenty-eight years on the design and development of the Tyfo® FRP composite strengthening systems. He is a licensed civil engineer in multiple states and has a Bachelor of Science in Structural Engineering from the University of California at San Diego

Dennis Dempsey, P.E.

Dennis Dempsey is the Mid-Atlantic Business Development Manager for FyfeFRP, LLC. He has been working with FyfeFRP, LLC for approximately four years, introducing structural engineers to FRP and assisting them with its design, detailing, and specification development. He also serves as the main point of contact for all Fyfe-certified FRP installers, assisting them from the early feasibility stages of a project through the construction and QA/QC stages. He is a licensed professional engineer in multiple states and spent eleven years working as a structural engineer in the private consulting world prior to joining FyfeFRP, LLC. Dennis has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering Focus) from the University of Delaware.

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Professional Education of FRP for the Civil Infrastructure

The FRP Institute is working closely with a number of State Departments of Transportaton to assist them with professional education through:

  • Developing guidelines for production, plant audits, FRP bar acceptance criteria
  • Training on-site inspectors on what to look for in field inspections
  • Education about consensus design and material standards from ACI, ASTM, CSA & AASHTO
  • Develop guidelines for FRP field acceptance, inspection, quality control and auditing of FRP Bars
  • Developing guidelines for the installation oversight and field quality control of externally bonded FRP systems
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Interested in learning about how we can help educate your design and materials staff? Contact us and learn more.

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