The FRP Institute is an unbiased source of sound technical information based on consensus standards, focused on practical implementation, design advice and training, third party qualification and oversight, plant certification and independent qualty assurance testing.
It is formed as a non-profit 501c(6) corporation.
The FRP Institute is an independent network of volunteer experts in the field of FRP's that may be a resource for practical design and use information. We engage in training and evaluation of design software tools that foster more commercial implementation of fiber reinforced polymers in civil infrastructure. Colletively, we participate and are instramental in authorship of consensus standards in approriate bodies and via the FRP Institute we apply those standards to aid adoption and use of FRP's for the Civil Infrastructure.
The FRP Institute serves as an independent third-party auditor to certify FRP producers through:
The majority of State DOT materials labs are unfamiliar and unable to perform QA oversight of FRP’s. The polymer materials are unfamiliar to them and they don’t have the specialized equipment necessary to do QA testing. The FRP Institute will assist with QA testing for specific projects on behalf of the State DOTs / County's/ Cities / Owner's
Successfully audited and approved plants